Hier kun je discussieren over [Den Haag] Discussie over dienstplicht / Discussion about military conscription.
Openbare bijeenkomst & discussie over dienstplicht
Op woensdag 5 februari komen we samen in Café Utopie om te praten over de dienstplicht. De verplichte deelname in het leger is in Nederland al sinds 1997 gedeactiveerd, maar nooit afgeschaft. Iedereen – sinds 2020 niet enkel maar mannen – krijgt op zijn 17e levensjaar een oproepbrief voor de militaire dienst, met daarbij de melding dat de oproep nu niet actief is. Er klinken echter steeds luidere oproepen in de politiek en de samenleving om deze te heractiveren.
We willen het hebben over deze reactivering van de verplichte militaire dienst. In het midden van de hedendaagse oorlogsretoriek, die weliswaar anders is dan de tijdgeest van de Koude Oorlog toen de dienstplicht nog gold, maar ook sterke overeenkomsten vertoont, is het denkbaar en reëel dat de dienstplicht terugkeert.
Als antimilitaristen verzetten wij ons tegen zulke maatregelen, maar waarom? Kom mee doen aan het gesprek over de dienstplicht om dat juist te bespreken. Neem je vragen en mededelingen mee, je twijfels en vastberadenheid, je perspectieven op de toekomst of juist je verhalen uit het verleden.
In Nederland bestaat er een zeer lange tendens van dienstweigering en antimilitarisme. Van het verzet tegen het leger in de jaren '20 na de massa-slachting in de Eerste Wereldoorlog tot de dienstweigering eind jaren '40 als protest tegen de koloniale oorlog in Indonesië en de totale verwerping van de oorlogsmachine door jongeren in de jaren '70 en '80.
Laten we praten over hoe we de oorlog van morgen kunnen vermijden en de oorlogen van vandaag kunnen stoppen!
Café Utopie – Waldeck Pyrmontkade 116, Den Haag
Woensdag 5 Februari 2025 – 18:00
Public meeting and discussion about military conscription
On Wednesday February 5th, we will come together in Café Utopie to talk about the draft. Mandatory military service has been inactive since 1997, but never abolished. Everybody- and since 2020 not only men - receives a conscription letter for the draft when they turn 17, with an addendum clarifying that the summons is currently inactive. However, there have recently been increasingly loud calls from within the political sphere and society at large to reactivate the draft.
We would like to talk about the reactivation of mandatory military service. In light of current hawkish war rhetoric, although perhaps different than the zeitgeist of the Cold War when the draft still applied, there are strong similarities and it is conceivable that the draft will return.
As anti-militarists, we oppose such measures, but why? Come join our conversation about conscription to discuss this. Bring your questions and announcements, your doubts and determination, your visions for the future or your stories from the past.
In the Netherlands, there is a long tradition of conscientious objection and anti-militarism. From opposition to the army in the 1920s after mass killings during World War I, to refusals of service at the end of the 1940s as protest against the colonial war in Indonesia and the total rejection of the war machine by the youth of the 70s and 80s.
Let’s talk about how we can avoid the wars of tomorrow and stop the wars of today!
Café Utopie – Waldeck Pyrmontkade 116, Den Haag
Wednesday 5th February 2025 – 18:00
Re: [Den Haag] Discussie over dienstplicht / Discussion about mi
Super interesting topic. Wish to be at the evening but is imposible.
World in which the aggressor respects your pacifism is ridiculously idealistic.
It was force, not passive resistance, that defeated the Nazi hordes in World War II. By being passive, you choose to play the victim role. Gaza, Rojava, Ukraine need weapons because international solidarity is completely helpless in the face of armed aggression.
I think you should come
I think you should come anyway to the discussion. What you're saying is exactly what will be discussed!
But please... "this is not possible"? Where is your revolutionary imagination, comrade!?
Its around 1000km btw us my
Its around 1000km btw us my friend! Make open streem event
Haha have you ever thought
Haha have you ever thought about security culture my friend? People want to talk freely without it being broadcasted to the whole internet. Maybe someone can share some reading tips or someone can write a short statement after the discussion happened.
Where exactly are you and why are you looking at events at the dutch indymedia? Spoiler alert: they are almost all in the netherlands.
Did u ever travel and looks
Did u ever travel and looks back at the place wher u was active? Bdw indymedia ar internatiomal so why u so triping?
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Will masks be required to
Will masks be required to accomodate those who can't afford an infection by covid or the flu? (Hint: that's everyone.)