Hier kun je discussieren over ALLE ANTIFA'S VRIJ! - Don't forget those behind bars! Vergeet degenen achter tralies niet! .
We stand in solidarity with the anti fascists in prisons in Germany, Hungary, France, Italy and everywhere else. The anti fascist struggle transcends borders and nation states and cannot be stopped by their repression.
We respect the brave step some of the anti fascists in Germany have taken by turning themselves in and starting a new chapter in their fight against the repression of the hungarian state as well as its accomplices in germany and beyond.*
To support the comrades behind bars and elsewhere, more information you can find via the Budapest Antifascist Solidarity Committee ( https://www.basc.news/ ), Rote Hilfe ( https://rote-hilfe.de/aktiv-werden/spenden ), Anarchist Black Cross Dresden ( https://abcdd.org/ ), Soli Antifa Ost ( https://www.soli-antifa-ost.org/ ), or Antifa Info ( https://antifa-info.net/tag/budapest/ ).
It’s clear European powers have chosen the extreme right to keep their system in place. Neonazis are facilitated and antifascists persecuted.
We cannot accept the scapegoating, racist, sexist, inhumane, anti-queer, fascist hate that’s increasing with help of politicians, legislation and media. We will stay resistant and solidary.
We need to be there for each other while everyone is fighting in their own way against oppression and exploitation. In these times of intensification of fascist rethoric and oppressive laws, we have a collective responsibility of looking for appropriate answers: we think solidarity, community- and movement building, and anti-authoritarian attack are among those. Against the racist deportation programmes and laws of selection in which a piece of paper decides our rights. Against the divide and rule politics of governments and politicians. Against the slow destruction of freedoms our ancestors fought for. Against all forms of repression.
We need to decide our own lives together and build alternatives to capitalism and states! They can never control all and everything. Freedom and solidarity live on.
Strength and freedom to the imprisoned antifascists!
- some antifascists in the so called netherlands
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