Waar: Het Spinhuis, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 17/12/2014 - 19:00
Join us in an evening to ponder and discuss one of the possible contributing pathways into a future that’s more holistic, democratic, equitable and just.
During this edition of Generation Alpha’s Rebel Cinema we take the time to focus in on the topic we introduced during our People’s Kitchen this month: the cooperative economy.
We will screen the documentary "TOGETHER: How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis" (2012, 39 min).
This film reveals why cooperative enterprises show a major resilience to the crisis and its consequences through 4 examples: - a mineral water plant in Poland (Muszynianka) a company in crisis transformed into a worker cooperative in France (Fonderie de l’Aisne) a consortium of social cooperatives in Italy (Consorzio SIS) one of Spain’s main business groups (MONDRAGON Corporation)
During this evening we will also be joined by De Nieuwe Band, which is a 70-member wholesale cooperative for organic food located in the municipality of Marum, Groningen. They will give a brief presentation and then we will have space for questions and a discussion on how we could foster this type of economy and what might the reasons for doing this include.