Wanneer: 11/10/2015 - 07:13
Gister - zaterdag 10 oktober - zouden er in verschillende steden in Turkije protesten zijn tegen het geweld van de Turkse overheid tegen de Koerden. Bij het verzamelen van het protest vond er op één van de verzamellocaties een bomaanslag plaats waarbij inmiddels al 97 mensen zijn omgekomen en meer dan 400 mensen gewond raakte.
Let op, de bijgevoegde foto's zijn schokkend.
Als reactie op deze tragedie heeft de anarchistische organisatie DAF uit Turkije de volgende tekst vrijgegeven:
Today, on the 10th of October, the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” that was organized by various unions, associations and organizations has been attacked. Like in Amed on June and in Suruc on July, the bombs exploding in Ankara today has killed tens of people.
Thousands of people came together from many different cities of the geography against the politics of war, against war profiteering of different power groups. Today, the bombs that exploded, murdered the people who wanted peace, life and freedom against war.
This explosion, in which more than 30 people have lost their lives until now, is a reflection of the blood thirsty greed of the powers. The ones who murdered in Amed, in Pirsus, in Cizir, are now trying to intimidate the peoples, frustrate with war politics and discourage from the struggle for freedom, by murdering tens of people in Ankara.
The powers should know that by any means, be it arrests or murder with bombs, we will not be afraid of the powers or submit their war politics.
For a new world, a life of freedom, the murderers in Amed, in Pirsus, Cizir and Ankara, murdered ones
Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF)
Tags: DAF oorlog turkije