
Ukraine - Week of action: February 24 — March 3

Nieuws, gepost door: Solidarity Collectives op 28/01/2025 01:08:46 - 1 aanvulling

Wanneer: 24/02/2025 - 00:01

Week of action: February 24 — March 3 Week of action: February 24 — March 3 Lees meer...

Towards Another Uprising

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 01/11/2024 11:04:13 - 1 aanvulling

Wanneer: 01/11/2024 - 17:44

At the end of 2010 an individual act of despair in the town of Sidi Bouzid ignited a daring, enraged, and joyful upheaval that travelled through North Africa into the Middle East and beyond. People defied the oppressive systems they had been immersed in for generations and came together in the streets to topple the political elites at their helm. The authorities, at first stunned by this courageous spirit that they couldn’t understand, then unleashed a cynical and brutal response. Lees meer...

Anarchist at War: Critical analysys of solidatity in context of War in Ukraine.

Opinie, gepost door: nn op 10/02/2024 02:01:10

During the International Anarchist Gathering in Saint-Imier in summer 2023, many discussions about ukraine were held. Despite all the efforts to disturb them, debate was vivid and productive. Lees meer of Discussieer (7 reacties)...

Statement on the Gaza Genocide

Opinie, gepost door: Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM) op 23/07/2014 07:10:58

In the past week, Israeli military forces have escalated their offensive on the Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes have increasingly targeted houses, civilian-populated areas and civilian facilities in the Gaza strip. Israeli warplanes have destroyed a number of houses while their residents were inside, without any prior warnings, killing and wounding many Palestinian civilians. Lees meer of Begin discussie...

Defeating Revisionism, Reformism and Opportunism

Ruis, gepost door: Jose Maria Sison op 03/11/2013 11:06:39 - 2 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 03/11/2013 - 07:49

Defeating Revisionism, Reformism and Opportunism, second book of 5-book series by Jose Maria Sison under the general title Continuing the Revolution Lees meer...

PHILIPPINES: The Emotional Calculus of Armed Conflict

Ruis, gepost door: Jurgette Honculada op 07/12/2012 12:04:27 - 0 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 07/12/2012 - 04:25

HOW DO I TREAT THEE? Let me count the ways. Statistics from the AFP-PNP over a 33-year period (1978-2010) report an aggregate of 29,553 fatalities in the ongoing conflict between GPH and the CPP-NPA categorized thus: 13,412 Communists (45%), 8,264 military and police (28%) and 7,877 civilians (21%). This further translates into 80 deaths daily for the period: 36 Communists, 23 soldiers and police, and 21 civilians. Lees meer...

Do not Use the Filipino Children in 'Humanizing' the War Machinery – Rep. Emmi De Jesus

Ruis, gepost door: Gabriela Women's Party list (GWP) op 16/11/2012 11:08:03 - 0 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 16/11/2012 - 08:04

Manila, Philippines - “The exposure of children to high-powered American war machines is a subtle way of inculcating into their young minds the culture of war,” said GWP Rep. Emmi De Jesus in reaction to the PDI banner photo of a smiling US marine letting a boy peek into his gun scope during the on-going 10-day Philippine-US Amphibious Landing Exercise (Philblex) 2013. Lees meer...

PHILIPPINES: On the Bangsamoro Framework Agreement

Ruis, gepost door: Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) op 21/10/2012 10:03:37 - 0 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 21/10/2012 - 02:35

The Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) joins the Filipino people, especially the Bangsamoros in Mindanao, in welcoming, although guardedly, the historic signing today of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the Philippine government (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Lees meer...

Philippine Maoist rebel army 'sorry' for circus bombing

Ruis, gepost door: Sanchez op 11/09/2012 09:05:23 - 1 aanvulling

Wanneer: 11/09/2012 - 16:29

MANILA, Philippines - Philippine communist guerrillas issued a rare apology on Friday for a grenade attack that the military said left 47 spectators at a local circus wounded. Lees meer...

STOP Imperialist War against Syria

Nieuws, gepost door: Jose Maria Sison op 31/07/2012 07:04:19 - 6 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 31/07/2012 - 15:40

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), condermn in the strongest terms the duplicitous scheme of the US and NATO in instigating, funding and arming the so-called Syrian National Council and Free Syrian Army to seek the violent overthrow of the Assad government in Syria and at the same time pushing a “peace plan” and then a “transitional government” under the auspices of the UN in order to politically outmanuever the Assad government and the anti-imperialist and democratic forces. Lees meer...

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