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Oaxaca: demo afgelopen zondag Carla - 12.12.2006 12:24
Afgelopen zondag, op de dag van de mensenrechten 10 december, was er weer een demonstratie in Oaxaca. Hieronder een verslag erover. The People of Oaxaca Take the Streets Again
http://elenemigocomun.net/671 Our demands: Freedom for political prisoners. Live presentation of disappeared people. PFP and Ulises Ruiz out of Oaxaca December 10th, 2006 - APPO writes: In Oaxaca, in the midst of military personnel disguised as police, Human Rights day was celebrated with a multitudinous march that started out from the Viguera intersection. With this mobilization, hundreds of thousands of Oaxacan people begin a new stage in the APPO's struggle: Days for Peace, with Justice, Democracy, and Freedom--without Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. Early in the morning contingents of neighborhood people, students, farmers, and teachers began to form at the Benito Ju?rez monument. In view of provocateurs at past demonstrations, the APPO security commission put the contingents in order and kept close watch over them. As in prior demonstrations, men and women of all ages holding up posters with photos of different faces headed the march. They are the mothers, sisters, sons, wives and husbands of the political prisoners of this regime, which views a dissident as a dangerous criminal. After the families of the political prisoners were members of the Popular Council of the Peoples of Oaxaca, who marched despite a long list of arrest warrants that have been issued for them. March participants included contingents from the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Michoacan, as well as the Electrical Workers Union and senators and officials of the Broad Front of Progressive people, who were there in solidarity with this struggle. The march began at 11:00 a.m. and as it went along, different contingents came down from surrounding neighborhoods to join in. All along the way there were signs of support, applause, shouts, signs, water, more shouts and applause. There they were--the people of Oaxaca who had not bowed down before anti-riot tanks, teargas, arrests, killings. There they were, the people who were forced into hiding for the last few weeks in a state where demanding justice is a crime. The destination of the long line of people was the Plaza de la Danza, where there was a rally and forum in which cases of repression were denounced. Once again we've shown the bourgeoisie and their State that we are in the majority and that our people will never give up. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme globalisering Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | demo figures & reasons | MM - 12.12.2006 16:02
I´ve red an article that mentione "thousand" demonstrators at 1.30PM. Then an article (La Jornada?) that mentioned 3000 demonstrators. Maybe at the end of the demo there were a little more. Nancy Davies of OSAG and NarcoNews says 10.000. But I think that is the maximum. The "hundred of thousands" are an insane figure. There also were never before hundreds of thousands demonstrators in Oaxaca. Not going into the details; a simple comparison is: How could hundreds of thousands then drop into less than 10.000? Yes, before there were more demonstrators. And the PRD leadership involvement didn't change the numbers that much. Mexicans do what they want; they are tired, frightened and like to relax and think about other things? I can't answer this, only note that most don't come anymore at the demonstrations lately. | Aantal | Carla - 12.12.2006 16:40
Ik heb de tekst nu nog een paar keer doorgelezen. Volgens mij staat er helemaal niet dat er honderdduizenden mensen bij de demonstratie waren. Letterlijk staat er 'door deze moblisatie begint er een nieuw hoofdstuk in de strijd van APPO voor honderdduizenden mensen in Oaxaca: dagen van vrede, rechtvaardigheid, democratie en vrijheid - zonder Ulises Ruiz Ortiz.' Ik lees dat als een soort hoop op de toekomst. | aantallen | poul - 13.12.2006 00:58
Er waren trouwens volgens plaatselijke bronnen een vijftienhonderd (1.500) deelnemers aan de demo van de afgelopen tiende december. Dit om overdreven cijfertjes tegen te gaan - laten we nuchter blijven en bovendien is er na de arrestaatsies van de afgelopen weken niet zo veel animo meer om met een demonstraatsie mee te doen. | vertalers gevraagd! | MM - 13.12.2006 00:59
Hallo Poul, zou zeggen/vragen: doe het zelf; er is hier een ernstig tekort aan vertalers! Meldt je aan bij OaxacasStudyActionGroup, NarcoNews, Indymedia, of wat dan ook. Daarnaast heeft het Engels taalgebied een minstens 10x groter bereik en begrijpen de meeste Nederlanders en Vlamingen goed engels. En ook zijn er vele niet Nederlands taligen die de Nederlandse Indymedia proberen te begrijpen. Als het originele artikel in het engels staat (oiriginele artikelen, of sommige posters kunnen geen goed Nederlands), dan probeer ik mijn comments in dezelfde lijn ook in het engels te doen. | |
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