|  |  |  |  | Robert King Wilkerson mumia steungroep amsterdam - 23.11.2001 00:48
Itinerary of the tour by Robert King Wilkerson of the Angola 3. King was released in February after 29 years in solitary confinement in the largest supermax prison in the US - the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. He will speak on the Angola 3, Mumia, the prison industrial complex & the us lack-of justice system Lees verder... |  |  |  |  |  | Forumdisc. anti-globalists and the peace move henk - 21.11.2001 12:07
Date: Thursday November 29, 19.30 - 22.30 Location: Felix Meritis, Keizersgracht 324, Amsterdam 10 guilders entrance After September 11, several politicians and experts have openly cast doubt on the usefulness of the United States Missile Defence plans. Terrorists it seems, operate from under the Missile Defence umbrella and not from above it. The September 11 attack has given urgency to re-thinking security. It is now more than ever a global issue, which demands global solutions. However global security cannot be guaranteed by military power only; it demands more just international relations. So as the ´New War´ wages on, there is a real opportunity to re-assess Missile Defence and its implications and to expose its relation to neo-liberal economic globalisation. This historic conjuncture poses a challenge to both the anti-globalisation and the international peace movements. How can these two international, socially critical movements respond? Are there options for developing common agendas? This Forum of information and discussion is organised by the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Project on European Nuclear Non-Proliferation (PENN-NL), XminY, Attac-Nederland and the Campaign against the Arms Trade. Lees verder... |  | Zaterdag 24 nov. vredesdemonstratie Leiden nowar - 20.11.2001 23:27
Zaterdag a.s. 24 november, om 14 u., is er een vredesdemonstratie in Leiden. Vertrek: Vredesmonument, Garenmarkt, tegenover "Hoogvliet". De demonstratie gaat naar het verzetsmonument bij Molen de Valk Lees verder... | akties bij Amerikaanse ambassade Anonym - 12.11.2001 23:43
Op maandag 12 november zijn twee vredesaktivisten opgepakt nadat ze op de gevel van de Amerikaanse ambassade anti oorlogsleuzen hadden gekrijt. Tevens aankondiging voor de vredesfietstocht op zondag 18 november! Lees verder... | | |  | |