|  |  |  |  | CIA agent who killed two men in Pakistan Undermining & blackwashing agencies - 22.02.2011 10:37
Pakistan intelligence: "US killer official linked to CIA" Pakistani intelligence has linked a US Consulate employee who shot dead two Pakistani citizens last month to America's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a report says. A Pakistani intelligence official said Monday that Raymond Davis, an American official arrested last month for killing two Pakistani men in Lahore, was working undercover for the CIA. Lees verder... |  | H. Clinton uses her cigars on ex-CIA peace activist The beat of Talking Heads & B52 - 20.02.2011 06:31
Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech. This week, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a major address calling for Internet freedom around the world. As Clinton condemned the Egyptian and Iranian governments for arresting and beating protesters, former U.S. Army and CIA officer Ray McGovern was violently ejected from the audience and arrested after he stood up and turned his back in a silent protest of America’s foreign policy. Lees verder... | PAST IS PRESENT: SETTLER COLONIALISM MATTERS! SOAS Palestine Society Conference Organizing - 18.02.2011 22:22
On 5-6 March 2011, the Palestine Society at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London will hold its seventh annual conference, "Past is Present: Settler Colonialism in Palestine. Lees verder... | Neutraliseren van de leugen. Wouter ter Heide. - 18.02.2011 15:39
Het doorbreken van het monetaire en parlementaire gedachtegoed, maakt de weg vrij voor het concretiseren van het VN- of vredesideaal. Lees verder... | Nederlandse pantservoertuigen in Bahrein Campagne tegen Wapenhandel - 17.02.2011 15:40
Persbericht - Campagne tegen Wapenhandel Amsterdam, 17 februari 2011 – Op de beelden van demonstraties in de Golfstaat Bahrein, die tonen hoe politie en veiligheidstroepen op gewelddadige wijze ingrijpen bij demonstraties voor democratie en burgerlijke vrijheden, zijn pantservoertuigen te zien zoals die door Nederland midden jaren ’90 aan de golfstaat zijn verkocht. Lees verder... | Wapenhandelaren klagen Wereldburgers.TV - 16.02.2011 22:19
Nederlandse wapenexporten zijn van 200 miljoen euro naar 900 miljoen euro in tien jaar tijd. Toch klagen wapenhandelaren. Ze moeten aan teveel regeltjes voldoen, vinden ze. Martin Broek, journalist en specialist op het terrein van wapenhandel, weet niet waar ze het over hebben. Lees verder... | Iran: Will State Department exploit protesters? WW4 - 16.02.2011 20:54
Iran: Will State Department exploit protesters? Tens of thousands of protesters battled security forces in Tehran Feb. 14, leaving at least one dead. Amid clouds of tear gas fired by police and pro-government militiamen, the protesters marched down a central boulevard shouting "Death to the dictator," "We are all together," and "Down with Taliban, in Cairo and Tehran!" Lees verder... | REMINDER: Presentatie Anarcho-Syndicalisme! ASB UTRECHT - 14.02.2011 20:02
Even een herinnering aan allen met al de revolutionaire acties die plaats vinden. Op 15 februari zal de Anarcho-Syndicalistische Bond (ASB) een presentatie verzorgen in de Rooie Rat te Utrecht. Bezoekers hebben (uiteraard!) gratis toegang tot deze lezing. Lees verder... | Video Report; First Foolish Training Kunduz Police at GreenL Kazza Eliot - 06.02.2011 21:22
First Foolish Training Kunduz Police at GreenLeft congress Rebelact - 05.02.2011 22:46 The Kunduz Police should start to get education anywhere on the planet. No better place Saturday, February 5th than the GreenLeft congress in Utrecht! Around 10.30 the first recruts showed up and tried for the first time to secure a building where (you never know!) Taliban could have been hidden. Unfortunately the coördination with other uniformed forces wasn't always the way it should be... Lees verder... |  | First Foolish Training Kunduz Police at GreenLeft congress Rebelact - 05.02.2011 22:46
The Kunduz Police should start to get education anywhere on the planet. No better place Saturday, February 5th than the GreenLeft congress in Utrecht! Around 10.30 the first recruts showed up and tried for the first time to secure a building where (you never know!) Taliban could have been hidden. Unfortunately the coördination with other uniformed forces wasn't always the way it should be... Lees verder... | | |  | |