|  | vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten |  |  |  | Oproer in Al Houceima Libby - 27.02.2004 17:32 - geselecteerd
Tijdens de nacht van maandag op dinsdag werd de stad Al Houceima en het gebied er omheen getroffen door een zware aardbeving. De regio Al Houceima-Nador, gelegen in het rif-gebergte behoort van oudsher tot de achtergestelde regio's van Marokko. Ondanks het feit dat de getroffen regio vrij goed toegankelijk is kwam de hulpverlening traag op gang. Daartegen werd geprotesteerd door de plaatselijke bevolking. Lees verder... | Afluisterschandaal 27.02.2004 11:41
De Australische radio-omroep ABC meldt dat ook de laatste wapeninspecteur van de VN, Hans Blix, in Irak werd afgeluisterd en dat de vergaarde informatie werd gedeeld door de inlichtingendiensten van de Verenigde Staten, Groot-Brittannië en sommige van hun bondgenoten. Lees verder... | PROTESTACTIE TEGEN UITZETTING Chris - 24.02.2004 11:17
ACTIE: VOETTOCHT GRONINGEN-DEN HAAG MET DEMONSTRATIES ONDERWEG De groep komt op vrijdag 27 februari omstreeks 16.00 in Assen bij het stadhuis aan. Daar wordt aan burgemeester en wethouders een petitie aangeboden. Lees verder... | FOSDEM 2004 dpi - 23.02.2004 20:22 - geselecteerd
De derde FOSDEM ("Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting") was een succes! Meer dan 2000 bezoekers, waaronder met name programmeurs ("programmers") en ontwikkelaars ("developers"), waren afgelopen weekend aanwezig in Brussel op het ULB. Twee dagen lang woonden ze lezingen bij, wisselden ze kennis uit en verklapten ze elkaar allerlei tips 'n tricks. Lees verder... | Demanding Justice for Palestine Anti-Apartheid Wall Media Center - 23.02.2004 15:53
Press release of the first half of the day the oral hearings in front of the International Court of Justice on the Wall have started. Lees verder... | de Palestijnse Klaagmuur Mohammed Cohen c/o FPF - 23.02.2004 13:24
De Palestijnse volgelingen van 'Abu Ammar' , (Arafat, de Vader van de Opbouw) klagen luidkeels over die Apartheidsmuur, die 'hek' wordt genoemd, maar volgens mij een Palestijnse Klaagmuur is ! Lees verder... |  | Violation WHO Guidelines & Human Rights Jan van Roijen - 22.02.2004 23:48
Two hypotheses have been presented as underlying the CBT model of chronic fatigue syndrome (105). The first hypothesis "assumes that the pathophysiology of CFS is largely irreversible, but considers that a fine-tuning of the patient's understanding and coping behavior may achieve some improvement in his or her quality of life." The second hypothesis is based on the premise that the patient's impairments are learned due to wrong thinking, and "considers the pathophysiology of CFS to be entirely reversible and perpetuated only by the interaction of cognition, behavior, and emotional processes. According to this model, CBT should not only improve the quality of the patient's life, but could be potentially curative" (105). Some proponents suggest that "ideally general practitioners should diagnose CFS and refer patients to a psychotherapist for CBT without detours to medical specialists as in other functional somatic syndromes" (106,107). The first hypothesis seems reasonable within the multi causal biopsychosocial model of disease and illness, however a cure may be found. But there is much that is objectionable in the very value-laden second hypothesis, with its implied primary causal role of cognitive, behavioral and emotional processes in the genesis of ME/CFS. This hypothesis is far from being confirmed, either on the basis of research findings or from its empirical results. Nevertheless, the assumption of its truth by some has been used to influence attitudes and decisions within the medical community and the general cultural and social milieu of ME/CFS. To ignore the demonstrated biological pathology of this illness, to disregard the patient's autonomy and experience and tell them to ignore their symptoms, all too often leads to blaming patients for their illness and withholding medical support and treatment. It is unlikely that the CBT and GET studies that were included in the recent review of treatments (108) dealt with comparable homogeneous groups since different inclusion and exclusion criteria were used in selecting the test patients and control groups. [This excerpt is taken from pages 46-49 of the article "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols" which appeared in the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11(1) 2003, pp. 7-115, written by Carruthers et al.] Lees verder... |  | THE EYE OF ROTTERDAM Igor Kempinski - 22.02.2004 17:21
“Do you know a Rotterdammer who has an EYE for the safety of others” and is willing to “step in when it is necessary?” Lees verder... | | |  | |