|  |  |  |  | Politie past vreemdelingendetentie toe op anonieme arrestant Schijnheilig - 07.07.2011 19:19 - geselecteerd
Op woensdag 6 juli is aan zo’n 50 mensen die vastzitten sinds de ontruiming van Cultureel Centrum Schijnheilig meegedeeld dat ze in vreemdelingendetentie zullen worden geplaatst, omdat ze weigeren hun identiteit prijs te geven. Het is onacceptabel en een rechtstaat volstrekt onwaardig dat de politie op deze wijze misbruik maakt van een maas in de wet om arrestanten te treiteren in de hoop ze te breken, een tactiek waar sinds enige jaren vaker gebruik van wordt gemaakt. Lees verder... |  | EU Report, Google Inc. Anti-Competition Crimes & Deception Julenka Moisevich - 04.07.2011 22:05
Full text of Report distributed today to the EU Commission and EU Parliament by civil society group Non-Zionist Jews Defence, charging dominant EU search engine Google with multiple offences and criminal acts against EU citizens and EU authorities, and with Google internet search censorship to deceive EU officials and even to help murder EU journalists. Lees verder... | A New Declaration of Independence, July 4, 2011 Roy Batty - 04.07.2011 20:31
As a free and independent people, we have full power to punish corporations for their criminal acts and to impeach, expel and dishonor our judiciary and our so-called representatives for their allegiance to corporate masters. Lees verder... | 04-07-2011 Antifa Cafe: Reframe rechts AFA Den Haag - 28.06.2011 16:04
Op maandag 4 juli is er weer Antifa Cafe in het Autonoom Centrum in Den Haag. Dit keer zal er iemand van Doorbraak spreken over (re)framing. Wat is “(re)framing” precies, en in hoeverre zouden we ons meer van deze strategie moeten bedienen in de strijd tegen de verrechtsing? Lees verder... |  |  |  | which side are you on? AS statement on the Jock Freeman case aNNtifa - 27.06.2011 00:49
The story of Jock Plafreeman by Anarchist Solidarity It’s been three and a half years now since Jock Palfreeman has been imprisoned after saving the lives of two young Roma boys in Bulgaria! In short Jock ran to the aid of the two boys when he was witness to a vicious and racist attack inflicted on them by around sixteen drunken football hooligans. Jock held them at bay for long enough for the two Roma boys to run away but the group turned on him. Jock was set upon and literally had to fight to save his own life. During the fight one of the group, Andrei Monov, was accidentally killed. Jock was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment and the equivelent of a £250,000 fine! (for the full story please go to www.freejock.com). Support for Jock has now reached an international level. Anarchists and Antifascists have started campaigns aound the globe including Australia, UK, Russia, Poland, France, Austria, Greece, and more… Strangely, Bulgaria is not in that list. Suprised? So were we! Lees verder... |  | (nmgn) axie tegen seksisme AFA-Nijmegen - 25.06.2011 22:51
Sinds enige tijd worden seksistische reclames in Nijmegen overgeplakt met stickers met de tekst 'vrouwonvriendelijk'. Gisteren zijn er in Nijmegen weer seksistische reclameposters voorzien van stickers met de tekst vrouwonvriendelijk. Lees verder... | It's always 'Fun' with Police, Queer Police and Queers! Rebelact - 21.06.2011 15:15
Debates, workshops, performances, party; it all happened during the Queeristan weekend on June 17th - 19th in Gallery Schijnheilig in Amsterdam. Several workshops on Saturday June 18th prepared the public action for Sunday: next to "Unpredictable Bodies I" with "Trash Jamming and Body Rhytms" also a workshop on "Queering Direct Action related to Rebel Clowning". Lees verder... | | |  | |