|  |  | Dutch trade with Israel stagnates PPP (taken from NIS) - 13.04.2002 02:16
THE HAGUE, Saturday - Dutch trade with Israel is increasingly coming under pressure. According to the latest figures from the Israeli bureau for statistics, imports and exports shrank by 68.7 and 83 million dollars respectively last year. Lees verder... | 9 doden vannacht in Jezus´ geboortekerk M02 - 05.04.2002 05:02
UPDATE: War in Bethlehem April 05, 2002 0310: In the past half hour there have been 9 male martyrs at The Church of the Nativity. This report has been confirmed by Palestinian sources from inside the church. The men were shot through the hole in the back where the door once was and through windows broken by constant gunfire. Lees verder... | Arrest of demonstators DHKC-Netherlands - 04.04.2002 16:39
Today, April 4th, police attacked those demonsrators who want to protest against Israel´s terror, in the Hague Lees verder... | | |  | |