|  |  |  |  | The Anarchist School: Education For Equality Josefa Martín Luengo - 19.12.2009 21:37
* The following text, published in # 57 of El Libertario, Venezuela, condenses the vision of the theme of the author, who died in the middle of 2009, who thanks to the work developed in her Free School Paideia, in Mérida, Spain, was a contemporary exponent recognized for the practice and the theory of libertarian education. Lees verder... | The way Danish police arrests... a rebel clown! rebelact - 15.12.2009 13:56
From Capten Syboly - who's now in Copenhagen with tens of rebel clowns from France, U.K., Benelux and Germany - we received a report and link to a film about what's happening there. Monday, Dec. 14th: an action by rebel about the rigt left right left papers / passports and whatever / migration politics in front of the French embassy. Lees verder... | "Money, money, money - it's so funny in a polluting world!" Rebelact - 13.12.2009 04:52 - geselecteerd
Really wonderful: an event called "Beat the Heat Now" on Saturday, Dec. 12th in Utrecht with support of trade unions, WWF, Oxfam Novib, Dutch Railways, Eneco, Spits and many more. With performances from Candy Dulfer, Ruud de Wild, Kasper van Kooten, etc. And with the minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning Jacqueline Cramer. Everything was going allright till... Lees verder... |  | Poppodia en bands tegen kraakverbod Site ACU - 04.12.2009 12:13
Na ontwerpers en designers spreken nu ook muzikanten en poppodia zich uit tegen het kraakverbod. Veel beginnende artiesten en kunstenaars zijn hun carriere begonnen in kraakpanden. Kraakpanden bieden creatievelingen de ruimte zich te ontplooien op een vrije manier zonder grote financiele druk. “Zonder de ruimte die wij gekregen hebben in verschillende kraakpanden hadden wij nooit uit kunnen groeien tot wat we nu zijn”, aldus Band “X” . Lees verder... | | |  | |