|  |  |  | Racism makes Australia one of worst for deaths in custody Gerry Georgatos - 30.10.2011 11:32
Australia has one of the worlds' worst deaths in custody records - prison and police custodial - however this country's social wealth is envied by most of the rest of the world. Therefore, how is it possible that Australia, with its social wealth, perpetrate the most horrific statistics in terms of custodial deaths, in terms of the rate of deaths and in terms of crude totals? How is it that the Aboriginal peoples of this nation are disproportionately borne with the brunt of deaths in custody and borne with disproportionately wild incarceration rates? Aboriginal incarceration rates are five times the rate when compared with apartheid South Africa, and West Australia's Aboriginal incarceration rates are eight times the rate when compared with apartheid South Africa. In any other country these types of targeted incarceration and deaths in custody rates would have led to a civil war or en masse confrontations. Lees verder... |  | Occupy Tilburg 29-10: verslagje peter storm - 29.10.2011 23:01
Aan de levendige Occupy Tilburg-actie van afgelopen middag namen pakweg zestig mensen deel. Actievoerders gaan door, komen over een week terug op dezelfde locatie, en willen van daar af overgaan tot wat vandaag nog niet gebeurde: het opzetten van een actiekamp. Lees verder... | Occupy ede-wageningen NN - 29.10.2011 18:33
nou mensen vanavond gaan we weg waarschijnlijk (bij niet meer mensen) dit doen we oa om de veiligheid namelijk, wel zijn we elke dag dus zondag, maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, etc etc wel vanaf 14.00 aan het station er hangt een grote nederlandse vlag met de tekst occupy ede.... enjoy ons en zet je tent op dan kunnen we hopelijk in de loop van de week kunnen blijven slapen.... regelmatig zijn we LIVE met beelden op www.livestream.com/occupyede KOM OOK !! Lees verder... |  | Gorleben resistance starts on 24 November Buendnis gegen den Castor - 29.10.2011 14:44
Demonstration in Dannenberg, Germany, at 12.30 p.m. on Saturday, November 26, followed by resistance activities. X-day likely to be on the first Sunday in Advent On November 24, a transport of high level radioactive waste, so called 'Castor' containers, will be shipped from La Hague in France to Gorleben in Germany. Massive resistance is expected to stop this dangerous shipment, and to push the authorities and industry to immediately phase-out nuclear power. Lees verder... |  | Squaters against Poland - Echo sentence in Strasbourg veganarchist - 29.10.2011 14:07
Police Intervention Peter Rachwalski and Agata Ferenc lived together with a group of friends in an abandoned squat (squat) in Wroclaw. Events which are the subject of a complaint to Strasbourg took place in the night of 14 June 1997 At 3 am they were awakened by police officers who asked whether the persons living in the house know the owner of the car niezamkniętego standing in front of the house. The police sought to to tow the car to a nearby parking lot. Those who led the discussion with the Police, argued that it is not prohibited, so that the car was unlocked on the street. They were wylegitymowani by the police (eg checked the vehicle registration document). Exchange of views between police and residents skłotu became more intense, to one of them was used handcuffs and struck him several times. P. Rachwalskiego truncheon struck several times. One of the residents skłotu was taken to a police car, where he had been beaten. P. and A. Ferenc Rachwalski were asked here is to stand up against the wall, while police directed at them determine the "rabble, brudasy, pedals." Police searched the building where the applicant lived, they did it without any provisions of the prosecutor (not shown nor a legal basis for these activities). All of these events lasted more than half an hour, and on leaving the premises by police officers, indicated that some people in the squat, is there illegally, because they have not fulfilled the obligation to register. Two days after these events, carried out a medical examination, it was found that the bodies of the applicants were numerous bruises (one of them the size of 13 x 9 cm). Applicants filed a notice of the commission of a crime by the police. The prosecutor refused to take action, recognizing that not committed any crime and that the police conduct was justified. P. Rachwalski made a complaint against this decision, pointing to the unnecessary and unjustified police brutality like. Indicated that there was a crossing of their statutory powers. Lees verder... |  | Stop de 'slow motion' genocide in West Papoea Free West Papua Campaign (NL) - 29.10.2011 11:33
Nederland vertrok in 1963 en Indonesië annexeerde West-Papoea. 400.000 Papoea’s zijn er inmiddels in stilte vermoord. Een 'slow motion' genocide. Nederland heeft een morele plicht ten opzichte van het Papoeavolk. Teken ook de petitie. Lees verder... | Bakfiets gejat gup - 29.10.2011 09:50
(english below) Afgelopen nacht is mijn bakfiets gejat in Amsterdam Oost. Ik wil graag iedereen waarschuwen haar of zijn bakfiets goed op slot te doen. Ook wil ik iedereen vragen rond te kijken naar mijn bakfiets. Het is een zwarte Gazelle bakfiets, met vierkante staaf onderlangs naar voren. Als je ergens dit model ziet staan hoor ik het graag, dan fiets ik erlangs om te kijken of het de mijne is. Lees verder... | A wonderful day of Greek people's resistance GIO - 28.10.2011 21:44
Thousands of people blocked the military parade in Thessaloniki-Greece and jeered government officials in several cities around the county at the commemoration day of the OXI (no) against the fascist italian invation in October 1940. Many videos from the protests can be found in the link. Lees verder... | |