Lezing (20-2) Rutte-1 en Europa 2020: Thatcher-effect? Haagse Mug - 30.01.2011 16:10
Lezing op 20 februari in Den Haag (met gelegenheid tot discussie) over de 'geest' van de regeer- en gedoogakkoorden van Rutte-1 en de gevolgen voor arbeid, zorg en (kennis)economie. Sluit Rutte-1 aan op Europese economische agenda ('Europa 2020')? Is het vergelijkbaar met het Thatcher-bewind? Lees verder... | Evil Iran hangs my friend Zahra Bahrami Eddie Woods - 30.01.2011 15:10
Early this morning the murderously barbaric Iranian regime hanged my friend, and my friend Jane’s friend, Zahra Bahrami. Her crime? To be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even though the (ugh!) Islamic Republic of Iran would like for the world to believe otherwise. Lees verder... | Dutch pension fund PFZW's concerns about Israeli occupation Adri Nieuwhof en Guus Hoelen - 30.01.2011 13:22
After The Electronic Intifada disclosed Dutch pension fund PFZW divestment from Israeli companies, CIDI accused the news site of 'fantasizing' about the reasons. However, CIDI took a superficial answer of PGGM spokesperson Bram van Els for granted. Meanwhile, PFZW's concerns about the Israeli occupation of Palestine are crystal clear. Lees verder... | demonstratie tegen onderwijsbezuinigingen 4 februari Comité SOS - 29.01.2011 21:21
Na het protest van 25.000 mensen op het malieveld heeft Rutte aangegeven de bezuinigingen toch door te voeren. Dit is een middelvinger naar iedereen die zich hard maakt voor het onderwijs en het botweg negeren van onze argumenten. We zouden ons hier niet bij neer moeten leggen, maar juist nu weer de straat op moeten gaan, om de druk op de ketel te houden. Laten we niet stopper voordat deze belachelijke plannen van tafel zijn! Lees verder... | Grenzeloos nr. 110 is verschenen Grenzeloos - 29.01.2011 18:52
Het nieuwe nummer van Grenzeloos is verschenen. 32 bladzijdes, full-colour. Wil je een gratis proefnummer of meteen een jaarabonnement, kijk dan op onze website. Lees verder... | THE GREEK STATE TORTURES HUNGER STRIKERS Greek Solidarity - 29.01.2011 15:15
Thursday, January 27: THE GREEK STATE TORTURES HUNGER STRIKERS On Thursday, the 27th of January, the 237 migrant workers who were staying at an unheated, empty and unused part of the Faculty of Law at the University of Athens, still under restorative construction, were ordered to leave the place. They had started a hunger strike two days before, on Tuesday the 25th, demanding the legalization of all migrants in Greece, and had made the place of the hunger strike known days before beginning their fasting struggle, both to the University rector and the student union. Lees verder... |  | No health risks from dioxin in food, says German authority Diet Simon - 29.01.2011 11:27
A German government agency, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), has given the all-clear in the dioxin food contamination that has rocked the country for weeks and made some countries stop importing German foods like eggs, poultry and pork. “Consumers do not have to worry,” is the summary of the BfR’s assessment of health risks “on the basis of the measured content in eggs, pork meat, poultry meat and dairy products”. Lees verder... |  | 911,ICTS Europe,Mumbai,Schiphol,Chabad Lubavitch Moscow Tony Ryals - 29.01.2011 07:32
Why should anyone be surprised that the Zionist cult that claims its deceased criminally insane founder is the Jewish 'Messiah' should be the first 'responders' to turn up at the Moscow Airport to grieve over the dead and dying 'goyim' all around them and even bring 'kosher' food as if they were invited to a party !?.......Worse yet,it appears that Menachem Atzmon and his notorious Israeli money launderers and 9/11 mass murder suspects and thus war criminals of ICTS International who 'guarded' Logan Airport Boston and Newark Airport on 9/11/01 and allowed Richard Reid 'the shoe bomber' to board at De Gualle,Paris,etc.,etc., and more recently the Nigerian crotch bomber to board flight 253 from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to Detroit with his alleged 'crotch bomb' on Christmas 2009 to also have or share 'security' responsibilty for Moscow's Domodedovo Airport. Lees verder... | |