|  |  | Resisting the global war (Eurodusnie) Eurodusnie - 20.03.2003 11:10
The war against Iraq has started. The war engine is moving again. Human beings are being killed and others are destined to be disabled for the rest of their lives. Others will die of hunger or lack of medicines. Daily we hear in the news about the inevitability of war. The United States and its ‘coalition of the willing’ are trying to persuade us that it is a war against tyranny and for peace and democracy. However, the story is different and more complicated than that. Let’s try to unravel the story… Lees verder... | Bush gearresteerd in Den-Haag Internationaal Strafhof - 20.03.2003 04:16
Bush is vanmiddag bij de Amerikaanse ambasade gearresteerd en overgedragen aan het internationaal strafhof in Den-Haag wegens misdaden tegen de menselijkheid. Lees verder... | Prijsvraag ! Mensenrechtenschending Irak ! Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars - 19.03.2003 17:46
DE NATIONALE 100 Euro 'FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION'' PRIJSVRAAG : Aan de oprichting - door dit kabinet - van de "Nederland Steunt Bush"-partij, (de NSB) is een kleine prijsvraag verbonden; 'ter leringh ende vermaeck'... Lees verder... | Three ways to genocide! strike-free.org - 19.03.2003 17:39
1. Genocide by bombing war 2. Genocide by starvation 3. Genocide by massacre All without molestation of the free press because only Pentagon friendly reporters will write stories about the heroes. Lees verder... | | |  | |