The desconstrução of the quadrants: espacialidade and image inside of the metropolises. While Latin previous we they broke for the city light in search of historias imagéticos politics, loves, denunciations and resistance to the tyrannous governments of its paises with much coffee in way the nostalgic atmosphere it exile them years made bitter for the Latin American dictatorship. In them we leave for same Paris de Julio Cortazar, Mario Vargas Llosa, Eduardo Galeano, Carlos Fuentes and Gabriel Garci'a Márquez in way to another social context politician them Americas, that in turn, in a difficult in such a way discloses to them problematic how much it has some decades is in the social scope and not less what politics is mentioned. It was as soon as we leave in November of 2006 for Paris. In one room of hotel of Plaza la nacion, after one day entire walking for more than 12 hours for the streets and Boulevard of the city that reflects the image of the Gloria and the knowledge we arrive exaustos at the dormitory. Recepcionados for the Blanca, woman of half age that occupied the lobby of the hotel with a yellow smile not in the direction blasé of the expression, but yellow of the color, color of teeth. The two Bons said, as soon as we enter, to soir fixed looking at in the eyes the measure that pronounced one for each. We go up. After the rest sensation that the bath provided and as we did not understand almost nothing of the limited programming of the TV I decided to catch again schemes it photographic and to play with the formation of situations/images. It was with my friend Eloir Santos and, for consequence, the target or model of the experimentations finished being it. I begin it resisted a little because he was tired, muttered sufficiently. But with a little of persistence it finished for accepting when it said that we would make Art. Magical word to the sensible ears and intent eyes of that the entire day, as well as I, was enraptured with the exuberância of a metropolis. The first photo occurred with lying it. As it was seeing it only of profile, of the right side, I asked for so that it placed the left hand in the way mouth that I could not see the extension of the arm. Made this, the image was there in my front formed for the skull and for the hand that if it projected with a force that the sensation that caused me of a person being was engolida e, as in one I finish gesture, it asked for to aid through that still resisted the world not chewed. It was the fight enters the survival of the pure image and the deglutinador, the antropofágico of itself exactly. A surreal expression. Second to happen it it did not need nothing more, was enough to look at for the result in the screen of lcd of the camera. Thus, quickly I was it ties the bathroom and it caught a great dental wire piece and skirted the face of the Eloir in such a way that the dental wire formed small divisions in its face, nothing with pain or suffering, everything was being made there after one day entire of visits the bonanza places, incredible foods and much wine. The resulted image was stronger than the first one. It had a three sequence or four with the same situation of the face. This that we decide to initiate the project of entailing for great metropolises. But ahead I will explicitarei better such project. Now I am, still, in the creation process that will serve as sustentation for what we are questioning. Already with the second bred image they had excessively appeared of catarze that the situation had proportionate. In some hours we produce sets of ten of photos. No longer Brazil, the time distanciou the creation and resells those images that long ago are bred as a species of convulsion for more not having space for as much that we saw and we feel in the rationalizing city. They had remained questions. Questions that the measure that the days passed and more people, our friends, knew those who had inside provided funny moments of one room of hotel of Paris now caused, here in Brazil, constrangedoras situations, definitions and questions that not even passed for our head, such as: “vocês they are questioning the religion catholic”, “the Eloir if still hurt making this” or those that had not obtained to recognize not even the model and had said that the image represents torture simply. I abstain from any reasonable definition or for the simple fact not to have conscience of the creation process. Childbirth of this I begin to apply theory and to arrive the premise that we have in mind. Remotarei me it school of Frankfurt with the quarrel regarding the traditional theory and theory criticizes using, as cientifico endorsement, the Horkheimer thinker. The thought cannot be understood distanciado of the práxis historical that produced it. It is not obtained to separate the social organization of the human thought. All thought has a espacialidade and temporality, mentions to the thinker Max Horkheimer in “traditional Theory and theory criticizes”, 1937 text. I will not make cientifica theoretical communication regarding the workmanship of the German sociologist and yes I will use as starting point and demonstration of what in it makes them to suffer after-contemporaneidade with its impediments and contradictions, mainly contradictions. Start for displaying the contradiction that the image caused. Already visa what some had revealed regarding what they capsize, the image are not resulted of none of those cited proposals. It was not thought with intention to dislike and it was not, much less, idealized. In one it analyzes of the workmanship in its finishing and of the creation context it does not have nothing that comes to justify the expression that the face in presents them, but exists in indirect lines the manipulation notion. We manipulate. We inconsequential manipulate the total image unprovided of intentions, searching visual a language expressiva and it only are of standards without adjectives. The result was this that vocês they are seeing for the streets. The contradiction this, therefore, in the meaning a time that the significant nothing condiz with the warm comments or not that I come receiving regarding the image. This is the basic question. The question was this that in made them to stop pra reflecting regarding the image. Van gogh, for example, painted with glad colors pretty fields, but she cut the proper ear at an insanity moment. Significant the not condiz many times with the meaning if thus to observe from the premise of that “the thought cannot be understood distanciado of the práxis historical that produced it”, as to explain as much beauty in colors of pictures made for a tormented, sad and solitary man? Or still, when we bring this question to our days we see propaganda in showing through images that do not condizem with the real situation. The classic example is the propagandas of real estate enterprises that bring through the condominiums much security, peace and quality of life. Lie. The attempt of vender the meaning molded what our society has very left to construct and a fallacy. All we know that he does not exist, for example, security in place some and exactly thus advertising executives of traditional order continue to vender a significant enganoso. The not condiz image with the reality. This makes me to remember another propaganda, duly modified: “the image not and nothing. Headquarters and everything. It obeys its headquarters, drinks water”. Explicitado the question of the image childbirth now for another idea that we saw to be destroyed with the práxis. One is about the question of the locality condition. We made these photos being Brazilian, we house the images in a Japanese site and now, as part of the project in the demonstration attempt that the espacialidade is a resultant, when treated in the order to a metropolis, dispensable we glue in walls spread for the world: São Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Recife, London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan and Amsterdam. If all thought has origin practises, historical, social that condiz with the espacialidade and time, according to Horkheimer. Our followed thought of the creation of some images in distinct territory to the one of birth and culturizaçao comes to show the the opposite. We create a Frankenstein stateless of which in contrast of the personage of Mary Shelley it does not come stops in destroying them and yes to prove plus a contradiction of the one after-contemporaneidade. What: “Manifest of urban occupation, the city is mine and its” Where: streets metropolitans (already cited in the text) Intention: to spread out images in the urban context to cause reflection how much what the question has been created in images and urban espacialidade. Organizadores of the project: Eloir Santos and Jeff Anderson Ocupação: Eloir saints - visual merchandising and student of Puc/sp advertising Jeff Anderson - plastic artist, journalist and Social Scientist Puc/sp. Project: Constituted of 6 images to be spread concomitantly in great urban centers it has as finishing the imagética spreading and the exposition in still to be studied gallery. Lees verder... |  | Wereldprioefdierenweek - week vol actie Anti Dierproeven Coalitie - 05.04.2007 20:20
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