|  |  |  | WEST PAPUA's betrayal - 40th anniv. on Thursd WESTPAN, West Papua Action Network, Canada - 13.08.2002 15:20
NO MORE EAST TIMOR!! FREE WEST PAPUA!!!! The Netherlands signed an Agreement at United Nations Headquarters in New York with the Indonesian Government (the West Papuans weren't involved in the Agreement), where they agreed, inter alia, that an "act of self-determinaton in accordance with international practice" would take place within six years in West Papua. It never happened. The Netherlands government did nothing, and continue to remain silent, 40 years later. It is time for the Netherlands to call publicly as a matter of urgency for a proper act of self-determination in West Papua in accordance with international practice as they agreed to at the UN 40 years ago on August 15, 1962. The West Papuan people continue to suffer the consequences of silence with at least 100,000 deaths at the hands of the Indonesian military since 1963. Lees verder... |  | Zaterdag Amsterdam: herdenk strijders, Garvey Ron Daniels - 13.08.2002 13:06
Zaterdagmiddag om twee uur is er opnieuw een herdenking bij het slavernijmonument, Oosterpark, Amsterdam. 17 augustus 1795 vond op Curaçao een slavenopstand - de organisatie noemt het liever een vrijheidsstrijd - plaats. Op dezelfde dag in 1887 werd op Jamaica de burgerrechtenstrijder Marcus Garvey geboren. Lees verder... | zou Volkert tegen deze man zijn mondopendoen? 13.08.2002 11:00
dit is de schrijfselplaats URL (van niet onaanzienlijke omvang) voor het werk van wat op het eerste gezicht een soort geestverwant van Volkertje (en bijvoorbeeld de profr en natuurlijk eventueel andere even daadwerkelijke en/of wannabe maar minder bekende tirannicideurtjes en -dadertjes) lijkt. Zouden die mensen hun leed niet bij elkaar kunnen klagen? ps: de man schijnt geen hollands talige fijltjes te maken Lees verder... |  |  |  |  |  |  | an open letter to anarchists all over the wor THE RISE AND FALL OF CIVILIZATION - 12.08.2002 21:10
TO ANRCHISTS OF THE WESTERN CIVILIZATION Only a mass action navigated by social-revolutionary anarchists can bring down capitalism and its states. Conscious mass overthrowing of the system that keeps us all prisoners in our work and homes. National struggle is for the rich to rule their native land and its population, whilst class struggle is designed for the removal of the rich from power. By removing the rich from the position of power and equally distributing wealth amongst the world poor inhabitants, we will bring freedom, justice and equality to all. Conscious anarcho-communist-individualist social revolution to end the tyranny of the slave market and terminate the tyrants that owns this global market. The global capitalist market belongs to a few individuals and families therefor during the revolution, the masses, the people of the world will share this wealth among themselves. That means that the whole human race shall become very rich, each individual as millionaire and each group as billionaire, i.e., an equal distribution of the general wealth, thus creating a society of wealthy rich equals without anyone being poor thanks to the distribution of the military budget. Without having any poor any more on the planet thanks to the revolutionary distribution of the money of the multinationals and the military industry we shall be happy and free forever after. As the saying goes: as long there is one poor man or woman on earth no one shall be rich. The revolution is on its way, take it or leave it, and live the consequence of your stand – behold your future emancipator. Love and Anarchy. Spartacus Anarchus Lees verder... |  | Paelstijnen willen eenheidsbestuur radeloze reporter - 12.08.2002 21:08
Palestijnse facties, waaronder Fatah en Hamas, zijn het eens geworden over een 'leiderschap van nationale eenheid'. Het initiatief lag bij Arafats Fatah, aldus het Amerikaanse persbureau Associated Press. Lees verder... | anti-furweekend: join us!! ADL Animal Defense League - 12.08.2002 15:52
Maandag 19 augustus - Telefoonblokkade tegen WorldCom. Bel ze heel de dag in A'dam op 020- 71.12.000,in R'dam op 010- 71.02.800 en op hun gratis nummer 0800- 8155. Lees verder... | |