|  |  | Activisten willen opheldering van Safaripark Actiecampagne Koen - 18.01.2004 18:06
18-01-2004 - Activisten onder de naam 'Actiecampagne Koen' hebben vandaag opheldering gevraagd over de contacten tussen Safaripark de Beekse Bergen en het noodleidende proefdiercentrum BPRC in Rijswijk. In een brief aan de directie worden deze verzocht de contractopzegging die in 2003 is toegezegd te overleggen aan de activisten. Lees verder... | Vingerafdrukken enzo Escorza - 18.01.2004 01:20
Een interessant statement van de filosoof Giorgio Agamben naar aanleiding van het Amerikaanse besluit om vingerafdrukken af te nemen van alle buitenlandse bezoekers. Lees verder... | SEATTLE'S $250,000 SETTLEMENT IN WTO RIOTS Kirsten Anderberg - 18.01.2004 01:14
In a time when Seattle is in deep need of money for its schools, its health care systems, for affordable housing, for public transportation, etc., we are paying $250,000, and rightly so, to protesters who were grotesquely violated at the WTO protests in 1999. And Seattle did not learn from that riot, as it produced two more unnecessary police riots in 2003, which still need to be addressed properly by officials, and perhaps the courts. Perhaps using this WTO case as precedence. Lees verder... |  | Psychiatry & the Neurological Disorder M.E. Jan van Roijen - 17.01.2004 23:02
No progress will be made unless everyone helps to publicise the facts contained in this document to all health professionals, to Members of Parliament and to ‘THE MEDIA’. In this article you will find a very important document from Malcolm Hooper, Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, who describes the horrors - done to seriously ill sufferers of the neurological disorder ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelits) - sometimes wrongly called CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). This document was prepared by Prof. Malcolm Hooper et al. for the Countess of Mar for a briefing for the House of Commons Select Health Committee; Thursday 22 January 2004 ( http://www.parliamentlive.tv ). This paper is about the terror and the misuse of "psychiatry", which is worse and takes place on a bigger scale then what happened in Soviet Union (USSR) under communist reign: ".....A CONSIDERATION OF THE ROLE OF PROFESSOR SIMON WESSELY AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE "WESSELY SCHOOL" IN THE PERCEPTION OF MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (ME) IN THE UK......." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lees verder... |  |  | Psychiatry & the Neurological Disorder M.E. Jan van Roijen - 17.01.2004 21:47
In this aricle you will find a very important document from Malcolm Hooper, Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, who describes the horrors - done to seriously ill sufferers of the neurological disorder ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelits) - sometimes wrongly called CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). This document was prepared by Prof. Malcolm Hooper et al. for the Countess of Mar for a briefing for the House of Commons Select Health Committee; Thursday 22 January 2004 ( http://www.parliamentlive.tv ). This unique, historical paper is rather long; I therefore have decided to give you an introduction -specially about this treatment in the Netherlands - and some impressions from Prof Hooper's article, which can be read in full at:
http://listserv.surfnet.nl/scripts/WA.EXE?A3=ind0401A&L=me-net&P=262712&E=2&B=--2002778326-851401618-1074170858%3D%3A11646&N=hooper%2Edoc&T=application%2Fmsword This paper is about the terror and the misuse of "psychiatry", which is worse and takes place on a bigger scale then what happened in Soviet Union (USSR) under communist reign: ".....A CONSIDERATION OF THE ROLE OF PROFESSOR SIMON WESSELY AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE "WESSELY SCHOOL" IN THE PERCEPTION OF MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (ME) IN THE UK......." Lees verder... |  | JOIN ANTI-NUKE DEMO IN PARIS TOMORROW! ContrAtom - 16.01.2004 22:11
An international demonstration has been called for Paris tomorrow, 17 January, against building new nuclear power stations in France and anywhere else. Main co-convenors are Germany’s Federation of Environmental Protection Citizen Initiatives (Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz, BBU) and the French Reseau Sortir de Nucléaire, together with groups from across Europe and the USA. Among them are the activists fighting a nuclear waste dump in Gorleben, Germany. Tickets are available from them at www.bi-luechow-dannenberg.de Lees verder... | 1 jaar Amerikaanse oorlogstransporten Pierre Dorremans - 16.01.2004 18:25
Ongeveer een jaar geleden kwamen de Amerikaanse troepentransporten door België in de openbaarheid. Antwerpen 'viert' deze verjaardag met een nieuwe golf van transporten. Lees verder... | Join the resistance in Ahaus !!! WigA - 16.01.2004 17:49 - geselecteerd
The German government has revealed that 18 Castor caskets of nuclear waste are going to be transported about 615 kilometres from Dresden in east Germany to Ahaus near the Dutch border. Let`s smash theire ideas. Lees verder... | Join them in Ahaus on Sunday + February 5 Ahaus anti-nuclear groups - 16.01.2004 17:41
The Münsterland anti-nuclear initiatives will continue and expand their protests. Next Sunday, 18 January, at 2 pm, there will be the traditional Sunday stroll at the Ahaus nuclear waste dump just across the NL border. On 5 February there will be a demonstration in front of Ahaus town hall to urge the council to take a clear stand against nuclear transports planned for this year. Lees verder... | John Feelgood Indymedia Newsflash Het Feelgood Team - 16.01.2004 17:20
Het nieuws in audio vorm van 16 jan 2003 met o.a: Afloop rechtszaak + aktie ambassade VS,Online bedreiging leraar leidt tot aanhouding,Radio WANklank in de lucht en veel meer. Lees verder... | Weisglas maakt zichzelf onmogelijk JV - 16.01.2004 16:31
Weisglas hoopt dat het conflict tussen Lazrak en SP-leider Marijnissen wordt opgelost, maar als dat niet lukt zou hij er "grote problemen" mee hebben als Lazrak in de Tweede Kamer blijft. Lees verder... | | |  | |